Your phone is ringing and you don't know who is calling?

tellows provides information to identify trustworthy or potential risk calls - thanks to our worldwide community.

tellows - find out who called with the phone number reverse search & caller protection


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We categorise calls by type (debt collection, serious number, sweepstakes, etc.) and give the number in question a tellows score, which indicates whether a number is trustworthy or suspicious, helping you to decide whether or not to take the call.

Latest from our blog

    We've all had to deal with the same thing. Everbody at least once in a lifetime comes across a situation where he receives spam calls. These kinds of calls not only just waste your time but also plays on your nerves and can be very annoying. Our aim is to make a database of all such numbers that are fraudulent and involved in illegal activities. Our aim is to help people by making the biggest datebase of spam phone numbers with their ratings and comments so other people may know how dangerous caller is. Additionally, at time you can also locate the caller's jurisdiction.

    Recently added comments

    1. iPhone reported number ‎525525865953 as unknown

      4/9/24, 6:25 AM via iPhone App

      1 Rating for 525525865953 ()
    2. The number ‎5900155339 has been assigned to unknown

      3/25/24, 1:37 PM via Nize


      1 Rating for 5900155339 ()
    3. ZZ reported number ‎60343470 as unknown

      2/7/24, 9:08 PM

      Calls to sell stock service.

      1 Rating for 60343470 (Landline and fixed IP numbers)
    4. Susan reported unknown with the number ‎91401914 as Cost trap

      1/30/24, 10:04 AM

      Fake POSB and ask for bank details.

      1 Rating for 91401914 (Mobile)
    5. Shaun Lim Chin seng reported Shaun Lim Chin seng with the number ‎+6590922353 as Harassment calls

      1/26/24, 10:01 PM

      Shaun Lim Chin Seng: ex convict who harassed his neighbours at Punggol Waterway Cascadia

      3 Ratings for +6590922353 (Mobile)

    Where does the information on telephone numbers come from?

    We can not make this database without your help, therefore we need your kind contribution. We kindly ask you to share your experience with the tellows community and report all the annoying numbers that have been calling you. You can rank them on scale from 1 ( very trustworthly) to 9 ( untrustworthly) and leave your comment on the number. To make telephonic world safe and better we need you to report these numbers to us with any details you like to share. We will appreaciate your contribution a lot.

    Comments on the most frequently searched phone numbers

    1. iPhone reported number ‎525525865953 as unknown

      4/9/24, 6:25 AM via iPhone App

      1 Rating for 525525865953 ()
    2. The number ‎5900155339 has been assigned to unknown

      3/25/24, 1:37 PM via Nize


      1 Rating for 5900155339 ()

    Often searched companies

    Sergio Rossi in Orchard rd 391a
    Shoe store
    The Hour Glass VivoCity - Official Rolex Retailer in Harbourfront Walk 1
    Watch store
    Grand Copthorne Waterfront in Havelock Road 392
    Sheraton Towers Singapore in Scotts Road 39
    RIMOWA Service Center in Orchard Road Mandarin Gallery 333a
    Luggage repair service
    Shred-it in Ubi avenue 1 51
    Shredding service
    CHANEL Beauty Boutique in Victoria Street 230
    Cosmetics store
    Pizza Hut Marina Square in Raffles Boulevard 6
    Pizza restaurant
    FedEx Express Singapore in Changi South Lane 5
    Courier service
    Orchard Hotel Singapore in Orchard Road 442